Your opportunity to go and visit steel plants operating main Danieli benchmark and top-performing technologies presented during the Danieli Innovaction Meeting.
Guests returning from plant visits may choose to leave from Venice airport straight away, or the day after staying overnight in a hotel
near the Venice airport (courtesy of Danieli).
Danieli will provide transfers to hotels in Linz, Cairo, Tangshan and Dallas after the plant visits, to those with self-organized
returns scheduled on the next day.
Detailed schedules of each tour will be issued later, after bookings. Guests may count on assistance from the DIM organizing team.
Tour 1 - Acciaieria Arvedi (Triest plant)
Flat products
The latest, low-emission galvanizing and color-coating strip-processing lines for quality products.
Departure to plant visit: May 30, at 8:30 am - from the hotel by bus
End of visit at the site: May 30, at 12 pm
Logistics information:
Arrival at Venice airport is on May 30, at 2 pm (departure from plant site before lunch).
Arrival at Venice airport is on May 30, at 4 pm (departure from plant site after lunch).
Tour 2 - Acciaierie Bertoli Safau (ABS)
Long products
Benchmark special steel wirerod mill: the intelligent plant on stage.
Departure to plant visit: May 30, at 9 am - from hotel by bus
End of visit at the site: May 30, at 12 pm
Logistics information:
Arrival at Venice airport is on May 30, at 2 pm (departure from plant site before lunch).
Arrival at Venice airport is on May 30, at 4 pm (departure from plant site after lunch).
Tour 3 - Acciaierie Bertoli Safau (ABS) and Pittini Ferriere Nord
Long products
Acciaierie Bertoli Safau: Benchmark special steel wirerod mill: the intelligent plant on stage.
Pittini Ferriere Nord: Proven operational reliability at top speeds for the world-fastest wirerod mill.
Departure to plant visit: May 30, at 8:30 am - from hotel by bus
End of visit at the site: May 30, at 4 pm
Logistics information:
Arrival at Venice airport is on May 30, at 6 pm.
Tour 4 - Acciaierie Bertoli Safau (ABS) and Acciaierie Venete
Long products
Acciaierie Bertoli Safau: Benchmark special steel wirerod mill: the intelligent plant on stage.
Acciaierie Venete: The “Drawer” sizing-block for SBQ bars: perfect roundness and high operational flexibility.
Departure to plant visit: May 30, at 8:30 am - from hotel by bus
End of visit at the site: May 30, at 5 pm
Logistics information:
Arrival at Venice airport is on May 30, at 6 pm.
Tour 5 - Voestalpine Stahl
Flat products
Benchmark slab caster for quality slabs required by automotive, exposed parts and electrical applications.
Departure to plant visit: May 30, at 1 pm - from hotel by bus
End of visit at the site: May 31, at 11:30 am
Logistics information:
Arrival at Venice airport is on May 31, at 7 pm.
Info for self-organized returns:
Linz airport is at 30 min drive from the plant;
Vienna airport at 2 hrs drive;
Munich airport at 3 hrs drive.
Tour 6 - Egyptian Steel and Suez Steel (comprehensive tour)
Flat products, Long products, Steelmaking
Egyptian Steel: The lowest OpEx for rebar in any location: the second MIDA QLP-DUE minimill for the same customer.
Suez Steel: Energiron zero-reformer DRP with hot-DRI-charging to the EAF, combicaster and 1.4-Mtpy bar mill.
Departure to plant visit: May 30, at 8:30 am from the hotel - Charter flight from Triest to Cairo
End of visit at the site: May 31, at 5 pm
Logistics information:
Arrival at Venice airport is on June 1, at 12:30 pm (charter flight from Cairo).
Info for self-organized returns: Cairo airport is at 1.5 hrs drive from the plant.
Tour 7 - Nucor Steel Brandenburg and CMC Steel Oklahoma (comprehensive tour)
Flat products, Long products
Nucor Steel Brandenburg: New benchmark, wide plate and Steckel mill plant for flexible production of heavy and light plates, and jumbo coils.
CMC Steel Oklahoma: The original MIDA QLP-DUE minimill, to learn about continuous improvement in endless rolling.
Departure to plant visit: May 30, at 9:30 am from the hotel - Charter flight from Triest to Louisville (KY)
End of visit at the site: May 31, at 7 pm
Logistics information:
Arrival at Venice airport is on June 2, at 6:30 am (charter flight from Dallas Fort Worth).
Info for self-organized returns: Dallas Fort Worth airport is at 1.5 hrs drive from the plant.
Tour 8 - Shougang Jingtang
Flat products
The competitive QSP-DUE Danieli Universal Endless: unique performances and flexibility in hot-strip production.
Departure to plant visit: May 30, at 1 pm from the hotel - Airline flight from Venice to Beijing
End of visit at the site: June 1, at 2:30 pm
Logistics information:
Arrival at Venice airport is on June 2, at 9:30 am (airline flight from Beijing).
Info for self-organized returns: Beijing airport is at 3 hrs drive from the plant in Tangshan.
Tour 9 - ABS Sisak
Hybrid by design, the Q-One power feeder ensures the most efficient digital control of the EAF, with a negligible impact on the power grid.
Departure to plant visit: May 30, at 9 am - from the hotel by bus
End of visit at the site: May 30, at 4:30 pm
Logistics information:
Arrival at Venice airport is on May 30, at 8 pm