Fifth Danieli Innovaction Meeting 2024

Fifth Danieli Innovaction Meeting 2024

from 28 to 30 May 2024

The Danieli competitive, intelligent Green Metal



The fifth edition of the Danieli InnovAction Meeting will take place from May 28th to May 30th, 2024, at Danieli headquarters in Buttrio, Italy.


This will be an exclusive opportunity to learn about Danieli’s latest developments in sustainable iron and steelmaking processes, effective management of raw materials, including availability and related costs, as well as the integration of Big Data, A.I., and robotics in steel mills.


We will also offer visits to innovative reference plants, to experience the discussed Danieli technologies in person.


Entertaining evenings aimed at strengthening relationships among members of the global Iron & Steel industries will include a Gala Dinner, a musical soirée, and an unforgettable experience in the unique atmosphere of the Isle of Murano, in Venice.




Check the complete program here.





[ Throughout the event, accommodations, meals, and transfers – including plant visits – will be courtesy of Danieli. ]







Danieli Photogallery

Place of the event

Day 1 - Tuesday, May 28


09:00                  Opening



09:00 - 09:45      Panel 1 -  Macro-economic and geopolitical trends


Presentation of the current Macro economic trends taking in consideration the countries where the consumption of steel will be increase and/or improvement of current steelmaking technologies will implement with the target to have a low environmental impact, each attendee will present his own vision


Moderator: Federico Rampini



Dr. Peter Maagh - SHS Dillinger

Mr. Peter Matt - CMC

Mr. V.R. Sharma - Jindal Steel & Power

Mr. Hassan Shashaa - Emirates Steel Arkan



09:45 - 10:30      Panel 2 -  Raw materials and metallics: present and future opportunities


There isn’t a unique solution for the feed raw materials, but different aspect has to be taken in consideration like geographical area, availability of raw materials itself, availability of energy source, requested of the market and final product issue.

The guests will present the reason why of their solution/strategy.


Moderator: Ron Ashburn



Mr. Li Jianyu – Hunan Iron & Steel Group

Mr. Daou Rafic – Suez Steel Co.

Mr. Guilherme Reinisch - Vale

Mr. Johannes Rieger - K1-MET



10:30 - 10:50      Coffee break



10:50 - 11:30      Panel 3 -  The best available energies: alternative choices


There isn’t a unique solution, each country/area can have a different competitive solution to be use for a No Fossil Fuel source of energy and/or carbon capture solution.

The world is moving in a different solution/vision in order to reduce the emissions, here some different approach.


Moderator: Ronald J. O’Malley



Mr. Carlo Beltrame - Beltrame Group

Dr. Michael Bott - SHS/Dillinger Huettenwerke

Dr. Claudio Filippone – HolosGen LLC

Mr. Carl Orrling - SSAB

Mr. Stefan Savonen - LKAB



11:30 - 12:10      Panel 4 -  Intelligent and autonomous plants to produce competitive green metal


Process and equipment control, with horizontal and vertical integration with the support of AI, to reduce OpEx and increase sustainability for a fully automatic metals production.


Moderator: Mr. Akio Ito



Mr. Alessandro Ardesi – Danieli Automation

Mr. Stefano Scolari - ABS

Mr. Paolo Pozzi – Agrati

Mr. Andrea Bez - Microsoft



12:10 - 13:25      Lunch time



13:25 - 15:00      Workshop tour



15:00 - 15:20      Coffee break



15:20 - 16:30      The sustainable route from ore to steel


The Danieli Vision to have a more sustainable path from Ore to Steel.

Starting from the available technologies to substitute the BF+BOF passing through the availability of iron ores with the target to move close to 'Net Zero' Steel production taking into consideration a competitive OpEx.

Gala Dinner - Tuesday, May 28

Day 2 - Wednesday, May 29




Dedicated technology insights on latest achievements and future developments:

– The Danieli Intelligent Plant: a unified digital platform for production, process, quality, and energy management.

– Step-by-step implementation of green technologies for different steel production routes

– From iron ore to liquid steel through the competitive, sustainable Danieli way.

– Digimelter, featuring Q-One power feeder, plus high-speed, top-quality casting technologies.

– The competitive Danieli universal direct rolling for hot-rolled flat products plus added-value cold-strip technologies.

– Patents and latest developments of Danieli universal direct rolling, rewriting the history for long products.


Special Concert - Wednesday, May 29

Maggio Musicale Fiorentino orchestra and choir

Day 3 - Plant visits from Thursday, May 30


Your opportunity to go and visit steel plants operating main Danieli benchmark and top-performing technologies presented during the Danieli Innovaction Meeting.


Guests returning from plant visits may choose to leave from Venice airport straight away, or the day after staying overnight in a hotel
near the Venice airport (courtesy of Danieli).

Danieli will provide transfers to hotels in Linz, Cairo, Tangshan and Dallas after the plant visits, to those with self-organized
returns scheduled on the next day.

Detailed schedules of each tour will be issued later, after bookings. Guests may count on assistance from the DIM organizing team.





Tour 1 - Acciaieria Arvedi (Triest plant)

Flat products

The latest, low-emission galvanizing and color-coating strip-processing lines for quality products.


Departure to plant visit: May 30, at 8:30 am - from the hotel by bus

End of visit at the site: May 30, at 12 pm


Logistics information: 

Arrival at Venice airport is on May 30, at 2 pm (departure from plant site before lunch).

Arrival at Venice airport is on May 30, at 4 pm (departure from plant site after lunch).



Tour 2 - Acciaierie Bertoli Safau (ABS)

Long products

Benchmark special steel wirerod mill: the intelligent plant on stage.


Departure to plant visit: May 30, at 9 am - from hotel by bus

End of visit at the site: May 30, at 12 pm


Logistics information: 

Arrival at Venice airport is on May 30, at 2 pm (departure from plant site before lunch).

Arrival at Venice airport is on May 30, at 4 pm (departure from plant site after lunch).



Tour 3 - Acciaierie Bertoli Safau (ABS) and Pittini Ferriere Nord

Long products

Acciaierie Bertoli Safau: Benchmark special steel wirerod mill: the intelligent plant on stage.

Pittini Ferriere Nord: Proven operational reliability at top speeds for the world-fastest wirerod mill.


Departure to plant visit: May 30, at 8:30 am - from hotel by bus

End of visit at the site: May 30, at 4 pm


Logistics information: 

Arrival at Venice airport is on May 30, at 6 pm.



Tour 4 - Acciaierie Bertoli Safau (ABS) and Acciaierie Venete

Long products

Acciaierie Bertoli Safau: Benchmark special steel wirerod mill: the intelligent plant on stage.

Acciaierie Venete: The “Drawer” sizing-block for SBQ bars: perfect roundness and high operational flexibility.


Departure to plant visit: May 30, at 8:30 am - from hotel by bus

End of visit at the site: May 30, at 5 pm


Logistics information: 

Arrival at Venice airport is on May 30, at 6 pm.





Tour 5 - Voestalpine Stahl

Flat products

Benchmark slab caster for quality slabs required by automotive, exposed parts and electrical applications.


Departure to plant visit: May 30, at 1 pm - from hotel by bus

End of visit at the site: May 31, at 11:30 am


Logistics information: 

Arrival at Venice airport is on May 31, at 7 pm.

Info for self-organized returns:

Linz airport is at 30 min drive from the plant;

Vienna airport at 2 hrs drive; 

Munich airport at 3 hrs drive.





Tour 6 - Egyptian Steel and Suez Steel (comprehensive tour)

Flat products, Long products, Steelmaking

Egyptian Steel: The lowest OpEx for rebar in any location: the second MIDA QLP-DUE minimill for the same customer.

Suez Steel: Energiron zero-reformer DRP with hot-DRI-charging to the EAF, combicaster and 1.4-Mtpy bar mill.


Departure to plant visit: May 30, at 8:30 am from the hotel - Charter flight from Triest to Cairo

End of visit at the site: May 31, at 5 pm


Logistics information: 

Arrival at Venice airport is on June 1, at 12:30 pm (charter flight from Cairo).

Info for self-organized returns: Cairo airport is at 1.5 hrs drive from the plant.





Tour 7 - Nucor Steel Brandenburg and CMC Steel Oklahoma (comprehensive tour)

Flat products, Long products

Nucor Steel Brandenburg: New benchmark, wide plate and Steckel mill plant for flexible production of heavy and light plates, and jumbo coils.

CMC Steel Oklahoma: The original MIDA QLP-DUE minimill, to learn about continuous improvement in endless rolling.


Departure to plant visit: May 30, at 9:30 am from the hotel - Charter flight from Triest to Louisville (KY)

End of visit at the site: May 31, at 7 pm


Logistics information: 

Arrival at Venice airport is on June 2, at 6:30 am (charter flight from Dallas Fort Worth).

Info for self-organized returns: Dallas Fort Worth airport is at 1.5 hrs drive from the plant.





Tour 8 - Shougang Jingtang

Flat products

The competitive QSP-DUE Danieli Universal Endless: unique performances and flexibility in hot-strip production.


Departure to plant visit: May 30, at 1 pm from the hotel - Airline flight from Venice to Beijing

End of visit at the site: June 1, at 2:30 pm


Logistics information: 

Arrival at Venice airport is on June 2, at 9:30 am (airline flight from Beijing).

Info for self-organized returns: Beijing airport is at 3 hrs drive from the plant in Tangshan.





Tour 9 - ABS Sisak


Hybrid by design, the Q-One power feeder ensures the most efficient digital control of the EAF, with a negligible impact on the power grid.


Departure to plant visit: May 30, at 9 am - from the hotel by bus

End of visit at the site: May 30, at 4:30 pm


Logistics information: 

Arrival at Venice airport is on May 30, at 8 pm






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Scala taglia






























































